How to remove wax from windshield and glass on car

Wax buildup on Windows and windshields can expend the clarity of the glass. While a maximum car cleaning to remove this wax buildup, several strategies can be used at home.
How to remove wax from windshield and glass on car

3 simple & easy steps are given below :

  1. Use a cloth dipped in an acidic liquid (like as a cola or a vinegar) to wipe down a waxy windshield. The acidity will strip the wax from the glass, leaving the windows shadow-free.
  2. To clean the windshield wipers, apply rubbing alcohol to cotton balls, and too gently wipe them down.
  3. To clean the cola off fast with a towel to keep the windshield from suitable sticky and avoids getting any on your car's paint!


Use a cloth dipped in an acidic liquid (like as a cola or a vinegar) to wipe down a waxy windshield. The acidity will strip the wax from the glass, leaving the windows shadow-free.


To clean the windshield wipers, apply rubbing alcohol to cotton balls, and too gently wipe them down.


To clean the cola off fast with a towel to keep the windshield from fitting sticky and avoids suitable any on your car's paint!