The purpose of the Downtown Fresno Property Based Improvement District is to provide activities and improvements which constitute and create a special benefit to assessed parcels. The DFPBID will provide Economic Enhancements, Clean & Safe Initiatives, Transportation Improvements, Fulton Zone Activation, and related Management and Administration directly and only to assessed parcels within its boundaries.
The Downtown Fresno Partnership is defined as a Property-based Business Improvement District (PBID). California State Law defines PBIDs in the California Streets and Highways code 36600 as a property and business owner collaborative forming a partnership between the public and private sector, organized for the improvement of a specific commercial area. In this structure, the property owners determine the boundaries of the PBID and how much they are willing to spend to allow for the services they desire in the district. A PBID provides services over and above those provided by the city. A PBID is governed by a private non-profit corporation made up of the property owners.
All funds raised are returned to the private non-profit corporation governing the district, which is responsible for managing the district and delivering district services. PBIDs have a defined life, which cannot exceed five years, pursuant to the PBID law. Property owner support is required for renewal and the formation process must be followed. The Downtown Fresno Partnership was established on January 1, 2011 and was approved for renewal in 2015.